Networked note-taking as feminist research method


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πŸ“½οΈ 2. Interconnection

Last updated May 27, 2023

πŸ“– Interconnection means linking notes liberally

πŸ“– Interconnection

Link notes liberally Refusing to rely on containers or long-winded details to organize and contextualize our notes means we must instead...



Next: πŸ“½οΈ 3. Atomicity

πŸ“½οΈ 3. Atomicity

πŸ“– Atomicity means breaking notes up as much as possible. Dividing ideas into their own notes makes them easier to meaningfully...



This leads me to the second node, interconnection. This means linking notes liberally. Linking notes is the strength of this method, allowing notes to be resurfaced contextually and to make new connections within the network. It’s a creative process of building relationships between ideas.

I like to introduce links between notes within a context-making phrase, much like Wikipedia. This helps put concepts into context when I review a note.

This image is a screenshot taken within Obsidian of a short note about the social construction of technology. You can see here I’m both linking notes on sources as well as core concepts within the text.