Networked note-taking as feminist research method


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📽️ Towards feminist networked note-taking

Last updated Apr 13, 2023

# How can we treat note-taking with intention, as a legitimate part of our research methods informed not just by representation and perspective, but also the systems which put notes in conversation with each other?

Next: 4 Principles of a feminist networked note-taking system


So thinking about information organization and its role in constructing knowledge warrants consideration from a feminist point of view. We can see this happening with approaches to archives: Consider feminist critiques which emphasize how historical knowledge is constructed through the storage and presentation different information. The placement of one record next to another offers evidence of a shared context and begins to piece together a story—or the lack of one. These stories then come to inform the present.

Rather than offering a clear path towards meaning, then, feminists recognize how the organization of information is also part of the construction of knowledge. This is true for the fonds of an archive, but I think it also applies on an individual scale to my Documents folder and milk crates.

How can we treat note-taking with intention, as a legitimate part of our research methods informed not just by representation and perspective, but also the systems which put notes in conversation with each other?
