Gibbs, 2007
Gibbs, A. (2007). Writing as Method: Attunement, Resonance, and Rhythm. In B. T. Knudsen & C. Stage (Eds.), Affective Methodologies (pp. 222–236). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Last updated Apr 12, 2023
Gibbs, A. (2007). Writing as Method: Attunement, Resonance, and Rhythm. In B. T. Knudsen & C. Stage (Eds.), Affective Methodologies (pp. 222–236). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
...of knowledge production, are always already entangled (Gunaratnam & Hamilton, 2017). While she doesn’t talk specifically about note-taking, I find Anna Gibb’s (2007) work on writing as method to be especially useful here, as she argues that writing puts the writer “in...
...outset. (p. 2) Here, TallBear is referring to the relations of researchers and other people involved in research, but as Gibbs (2007) argues, relationships can manifest in our notes, too. Notes are not just for recording observations from the field and...
... As a form of writing, note-taking is an inherently creative act, always involving thought rather than simply representing it (Gibbs, 2007). This suggests that representational accuracy should not be the sole goal for good note-taking as it ignores the role...
...Journal. Medium. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Garland-Thomson, R. (2002). Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory. NWSA Journal, 14, 1–32. Gibbs, A. (2007). Writing as Method: Attunement, Resonance, and Rhythm. In B. T. Knudsen & C. Stage (Eds.), Affective Methodologies (pp. 222–236)....
... As a form of writing, note-taking is an inherently creative act, always involving thought rather than simply representing it (Gibbs, 2007). This suggests that representational accuracy should not be the sole goal for good note-taking as it ignores the role...
...outset. (p. 2) Here, TallBear is referring to the relations of researchers and other people involved in research, but as Gibbs (2007) argues, relationships can manifest in our notes, too. Notes are not just for recording observations from the field and...
...outset. (p. 2) Here, TallBear is referring to the relations of researchers and other people involved in research, but as Gibbs (2007) argues, relationships can manifest in our notes, too. Notes are not just for recording observations from the field and...
6/1/2023 a process which positions the writer “in conversation with the world, with other writing, and, reflexively, with itself” (Gibbs, 2007, p. 224), making it “a mode of inquiry in its own right” (p. 222) Note-taking has always been a research method And...