Garland-Thomson, 2002
Garland-Thomson, R. (2002). Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory. NWSA Journal, 14, 1–32.
Last updated Apr 12, 2023
Garland-Thomson, R. (2002). Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory. NWSA Journal, 14, 1–32.
...theorists continue to urge that we critically consider how hegemonic power structures shape what knowledges are knowable by whom (Garland-Thomson, 2002; Haraway, 1988; Hartsock, 1985), their accepted validity (Hill Collins, 1989), and who benefits from them (TallBear, 2014). Bringing these...
6/1/2023 legitimate experiential and embodied knowledges in institutional spaces, developing theoretical frameworks like standpoint theory (Hartsock, 1985), sitpoint theory (Garland-Thomson, 2002), situated knowledges (Haraway, 1988), each of which varyingly stresses the importance of intersectional, embodied positionality in the production of...
...knowledge production (pp. 138–179). Harvard University Press. Dubois, S. (n.d.). Personal Knowledge Management Journal. Medium. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Garland-Thomson, R. (2002). Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory. NWSA Journal, 14, 1–32. Gibbs, A. (2007). Writing as Method: Attunement, Resonance, and Rhythm....
6/1/2023 legitimate experiential and embodied knowledges in institutional spaces, developing theoretical frameworks like standpoint theory (Hartsock, 1985), sitpoint theory (Garland-Thomson, 2002), situated knowledges (Haraway, 1988), each of which varyingly stresses the importance of intersectional, embodied positionality in the production of...
...theorists continue to urge that we critically consider how hegemonic power structures shape what knowledges are knowable by whom (Garland-Thomson, 2002; Haraway, 1988; Hartsock, 1985), their accepted validity (Hill Collins, 1989), and who benefits from them (TallBear, 2014). Bringing these...
...with representation What is considered note-worthy? Feminist emphasis on subjectivity in knowledge production Standpoint theory (Hartsock, 1985) Sitpoint theory (Garland-Thomson, 2002) Situated knowledges (Haraway, 1988) Notes are always subjective and connected to context > Next: Notes as structures of knowledge \[!quote\]- Transcript While...
...and the way knowledge is always situated Standpoint theory (Hartsock, 1985) Sitpoint theory (Garland-Thomson, 2002) Situated knowledges (Haraway, 1988) Research and researchers are entangled, meaning method if a critical space for feminist...